Thursday, February 25, 2010

Why the Winter Olymipics are better

In case you can't tell I think the Winter Olympic games are way better then the Summer Olympics. I started doing these paint drawings a while ago....they are just fun to do for some reason.

I hate work.

There is nothing worse than waking up to fresh snow and having to go to work. I am 27 years old now and have been collecting a paycheck since I was 14, I think I have worked long enough. It is time for me to retire and become a ski bum. If you are looking for me I'll be in Utah October through April, and in New Zeland May through September. Ok, I'll wake up and stop dreaming now.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


As an avid outdoorsman I believe that conserving our natural resources and taking care of mother nature is important. I follow the rules of LNT and try to minimize my impact whenever I am in the backcountry. However, I am not a die hard green peace hippie and I feel that there does need to be a balance. Recently a news story came out about how the Fed's were thinking about turning two more area in Utah into national monuments. While this would do great things for conservation of these beautiful area's, one of which I have featured in my blog, I feel it is not the federal governments job nor right to do so.

I think that the people of Utah should be allowed to vote on this issue. After all we are the one's who will be affected. I think that the state should be allowed to decide exactly where the boundaries would be and what limitations they will allow the federal government to put on the area that becomes the national monument.

On that note, I want to go skiing!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dear IRS

Dear IRS,

Thank you for giving me money back on my tax returns, even though it was my money to begin with. I am glad though that you kept all the money I gave you for social security so that you could give most of it to lazy people so that there is none for my retirement. As a matter of fact, because I was so upset about the fact that FICA gets so much of my money, I had to go buy new ski's with my tax returns. And don't worry I will try to find a way to write them off on next year's tax return.