Sunday, January 16, 2011

Utah Mountaineer TOW 3

My tip for this week is more like a rant. Parents - WATCH AND KEEP CONTROL OF YOUR FREAKING KIDS. There is nothing more irritating then bombing a hill on my ski's and having a kid suddenly just start cutting across the slope in front of me. Or climbing in the gym and working on a difficult problem and having to stop because a kid is standing underneath me and I don't want to fall on them.

Being a parent I know this is difficult. There are many times I have had to run after my son and apologize to people for him getting in the way. And when parents do that I brush it off like it's no big deal. What upsets me is when parents just let their kids run wild with no concern for how it is affecting others. If you don't want to watch your kids and try to keep in control of them then in my mind you have two options.
Option 1: Don't have kids if you don't want to watch them and take care of them.

Option 2: Don't take your kids out around others if you can't or are unwilling to keep control of them.

Ares playing and a secluded area.

Please just watch your kids. You as their parent should be worried about their safety, as I am worried about my own while exploring the great outdoors.

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